Friday, September 10, 2010

The world=my oyster!

I guess I don't do things by the book.

A week ago, had you asked about my past and future life story, I would have told you this:

I was born in Surrey, BC,
Grew up in a house on a hill,
Graduated from high school,
Moved out and spent a fun year working,
Moved back home and finished two years of Nursing school,
Traveled with my sister to distant lands,
Came home and... back to the books... with two more years to go.

BUT. Try replacing the last line with:

Came home and signed up for nothing more than one psychology class, started handing out resumes left and right, sold $105 worth of textbooks, and couldn't wait to pursue a career in something that I really love.

That one's much better in my opinion:)

PS. I tried dried cherries for the first time today- they are fantastic! A little pricey at Thrifty's, but tasty nonetheless.

Happy Friday!

