Monday, March 4, 2013

Nova Scotia -2013-

On Feb. 15th, Dad drove Daniel and I to the airport for an 8 day trip to see Daniel's Mom and Dad in Mineville, NS! I think pictures will do a better job of describing our lovely time away than any blurb of mine ... so VOILA!

 This is Kona, the adorable Australian Shepherd. She was pretty excited to have her brother and sister back home.
 Alison with Bijou.This cat has got attitude!
 Peggy's Cove! Complete with the frame:) It broke at one point but was patched together quickly so we could take it to our next photo taking excursion! From top, left to right: Shanna, Randy, Daniel, Mark (in picture frame), Alison, Janette.

Snowball coming at ya!

 Rainbow Haven Beach
 Makeshift (non-functional) bagpipes
Downtown Dartmouth

 Thanks again for the hat Monica! 
 They're a photogenic duo:)
 Morning coffee on vacation:)
He's on vacation, too! Hard to believe as he was up and going by 7 every day!
Some potholders made their way from Mom's sewing machine in Victoria to a kitchen in Mineville, NS!
Card games and snacks:) I didn't get a picture of our foot sleeping bags/ moonboots- AKA really warm slippers from MEC. We each had a pair but could tell them apart because there were different colours! 

Oh, technology:) 

Hee hee!

Lake Echo was frozen over... almost. It was pretty slushy actually.
 More from Peggy's Cove!

 We asked if we could go up the lighthouse with the maintenance guy, and he agreed! The light shines all the way to New Brunswick.

Peggy's Cove. Along the highway there was some really neat art/graffiti.Two  huge rocks along the side of the road were painted- one like a die, the other a rubix cube. 
This picture was taken after our Wednesday night bible study:)

 Serious photo taker!
 My scarf with snowflakes on it. Thanks for this too, Monica! She's got me outfitted for all my winter warmth needs:) 
A house in Dartmouth

 I like this one! We brought the mirror out from inside the house and had Mark on Facetime.

Click to see Peggy's Cove in realtime! It's a really cool website.

It was a nice, relaxing getaway! Really awesome to see snow again, too. I have missed that stuff! It's been a few weeks since we've been back home, and it's business as usual again! Although no two days of business are anything alike it seems! 

Have a good week! Don't forget to comment:)